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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

countdown! two more days to handing up literature charts! and we're all DEAD! heh, but surprisingly, i think i did the most, by a lot! haha, cheryl and hyuk kee were copying from me.. feel so good(: but still lemme copy okay people! and there's like 11 more days to NATIONAL DAY! i'm going for the real concert lehh! blue section, watch out for me! *now all i need is a red shirt.. hmm*

anyway! one test done and over! a maths! now left chemistry COMMON TEST, which is tomorrow (which i'm gonna study later, which means i haven't yet.. = DEAD) so don't worry dear, i'll fail with you(: or pass with you, whichever works fine(: and there's THREE tests on friday! first two lessons: social studies test, next two: literature prose! (the charts are our mockingbird marks, so must do well! argh) then after recess come back: emaths! on chapter 6! so yes, that's a good thing!

anyway, unfortunately to say.. my tagboard is spoilt! the tags keep getting erased! i typed the same replies THRICE! and i lost the conversation i had with lawrence on tag board! ahh, that one was so funny but ah well. out with the old, in with the new(:

so anyway! i haven't studied yet.. and my mum's like scolding me.. so i wont' post about yesterday and today.. and yes lawrence, no cross country.. until at least i have more time(:
and the exam's in 5 weeks time! so fast can, didn't expect it. training's also increase.. everyday meet after school to do pull-ups and push-ups.. i have to do tomorrow after literature lesson some more, hais. this is a cruel life!

time to study! good luck to the world who's studying! heh.

9:37 PM

Sunday, July 27, 2008

i'm back again to post! and i really shouldn't be doing this cos i have two test tomorrow, but heck it! heh. by the way, i'm going to have FIVE tests this week also! emaths and amaths tomorrow! social studies and literature on friday! (consequetive somemore) and then there's chemsitry some where in the week, but not sure when(: ANYWAY!

reminder to all literature students: THE DUEDATE FOR THE CHARTS ARE COMING! if any of you are done, please hand it up to me! (i think i'm supposed to be collecting, yeah?) anyway! anyone not done yet? (like me and hyuk kee?) haha, well back to my post:

firstly, i'd like to dedicate this post to kok wai lam.. SORRY MR. LAM! i promise next time won't happen again! anyway, what happened was.. i was supposed to have tuition yesterday night at 8.30pm.. but then, there was a gathering at my grandma's house, cos.. tmr.. was.. my granddad's.. 100th day since he.. passed away.. yeah.. so there were a lot of people, so time slipped by and i forgot (i know that's no excuse :3) so i came back at about 9.30pm.. then yeah, mr. lam was really angry.. so i apologize again:

SORRY MR. LAM! don't angry le larh, kay?(:

so yes, there was a gathering yesterday, and everyone came over.. everyone except my family was folding those paper things (we can't, cos we're Christians) and well.. been chatting with yuting these past few days, not bad eh, quite fun(: but my dear not online also.. (haha i online so late, of cos larh)

that was about it for yesterday.. and i was smsing dear throughout the time i was in church, then the people in my group keep indirectly suaning me.. hais, i'm so sacrificial(:

so anyway, woke up early today and went to my grandma's house to prepare.. and well, i didn't realise it's been 100 days so fast.. i've been trying not to think about my granddad passing away.. still ain't trying to think about it.. but at least the family's still cheerful.. towards the remaining last of his days, he always seemed to coop up in his room, and rarely come up.. to think he passed away the moment i finally got on better terms with him.. ah well, that's life):

anyway, enough of that, and the posting too.. until now i haven't even started on amaths, and it's 9.12 pm already! so good night people, i'll tag tomorrow after my training! (only god knows why my training is tomorrow) :3


8:30 PM

Saturday, July 26, 2008

CALLING ALL LITERATURE STUDENTS! haha, anyone who complete the literature charts and the log yet? if have please lend me! i'm not even halfway there! CALLING ALL LITERATURE STUDENTS!

hais, the charts take so long to do cann, no time, no motivation.. i feel like slacking this week.. but cannot! i need to hand up by 310708! which is like, thursday? or wednesday! i'm collecting the charts somemore! please, anyone.. this is an earnest plea, lend me your homework!

12:31 PM

ok! now finally for my canoeing compeition updates! first day, i went to school to meet with the canoeists, wearing the big-red jersey with a big big "GESS canoe" there! i mean, they should bold the 'canoeist' and not the 'GESS' next year the students are soo gonna design the jersey mann, don't trust the teachers anymore X3

anyway, so everyone was wishing me good luck, but tuesday wasn't my race, LOL.. thanks anyway to those who wish me good luck! and the seniors didn't let us go into the staff room, they were making those encouragement things, which were like.. not very good? no offence to anyone, but it was photoframes.. and we can't bring those down when we paddle, unlike the BOTTLES! haha.

also! there were encourage notes in it, but all wirtten by teachers! which is so fake, at least not from ms.lim.. but mr.goh one is.. what the fuck? he wrote there "thank you for your commitment" then on the same day, on the bus he was complaining about my commitment, and that it should be better. stupid, didn't feel encouraged at all~ waste of time..

speaking about mr.goh, walao.. he damn noisy sehh. i mean, on the bus right, he was talking to the sec3 boys, and WE DIDN'T WANT HIM THERE! he just kept going on and on and on.. wapiang seh.. anyway, the first day was 1000m race, here the results:

lee yingying : 1st place! haha, yingying's race was really wow.. i mean sh thrashed like hell! (but then the teachers said that her compeitiors weren't good, but still.. congrats!) everyone was like high cheering

wong waichong: he got 5th or 6th place i think.. but still, good race lahh, i'd capsize X3 his k2 good though(:

choo joonguan: erm, he got 2nd or 3rd i think, but still semi-finals! and he was complaining that he off-form cos it was too cold.. he was one of the first racers i think.

kwan yuanzhen&tan wanlin: they were in K2 1000m, they got second i think. heh, i'd be happy if i got 2nd lorh.. then they were emo-ing cos it wasn't good enough.. but still(:

ahh, forget it, i'll go straight to the end..

end up me and jiasheng kena thrashed in our race, and i'm still sorry jiasheng.. don't think he'll wanna partner me anymore anyway.. but our k4 event! me, jiasheng, yangoyu and timothy! at least we didn't capsize, which was our goal lahh.. we total got about 3-4 trainings only sehh.. then we were training on the day of the compeitions.. cos we had a straight final event, so oour race was on friday. and even on thursday we cannot balance properly, so we were really worried..

but surprisingly, on the last day, can balance eh? but we didn't burst.. (which we could've) and we were lagging behind by 3 bouys.. but we were the only guys in the finals! so at least GESS sprint team didn't get 0 points! we got two instead! which is really pathetic! SJI won the first place with the minimum.. a 8-man team! haha, next year GESS gonna be the same!


so in the end, GESS canoeing only got fengjia&yingying in their ks 500m race win silver medal, and yuanzhen in her T1 500m also silver medal.. that's it.. but the juniors like all very good lehh! all like 4th position for the 'C' boys, and the girls.. waseh! amirah got into the finals! but in the end, she got 4th.. but still the first sec1 in three years getting into the finals! haha, considered very good already (or is it out canoeing lousy?) then persis, aiyodeh! she got into finals for both her events! haha, felicia also! keren got into semi-finals i think.. (or was it finals?)
then the seniors, shahril and linken got into semi-finals, and actually shahril can get 3rd place go to finals, but he go and capsize cos of linken (so kind sia shahril) but end up linken panic then he capsize also.. hais, ah well. waihcong and shahril got into semi-finals, joonguan also. then all the sec3 guys got kicked out at semi-finals..
and then there's benjamin! haha, too bad he capsize.. he was leading in his heats by A LOT! sure can get a medal one.. nevermind, he got one in the NCC, first guy medalist in five years seh!

so that's about it for the canoeing compeition.. the rest all blurry liaos, and everyone complain my post veryy long.. haha, tried to cut it short already.. (acutally, i only talk about the results, never even talk about the process, heh)

10:22 AM

hi everyone! i'm finally backk! and i changed my blogskin too! i did that all last night, and got a feeling of sastifaction(: thanks everyone who still visited my blog while it was deadd! but i'm planning to revive it already, so continue visiting okay(: anyway- back to my post:

i'm gonna like forgo all my past posts, except maybe my canoeing compeition and those important ones, and oh yes! yesterday's cross country! heh.


9:48 AM

Sunday, July 13, 2008

hello again everyone! so end up i didn't manage to post during the week, so i'm doing it during service again! and this time it's someone else, not mitchell.. hope he won't scold me.. heh, he peeking over le XD

well anyway, i'll post about this week next time, after i've calmed down.. and well, i'm planning to change my skin! if i have time la so i'll continue my post! well. i can't remember what happen during school again.. but after school.. literature! i went to canteen and saw valerie's group chionging their work! heheh. they soo need help, and so weiting helped them. oh yes, before that.. i'm gonna credt ms.chia cos she KINDLY allowed all the groups to hand in their work later (: thanks ms.chia! so yes, we watched the first group's work and their video. gosh, luke was funny! and they were acting out aunt alexandra.. and they were so girly! all high-pitched and all. they spoilt val's sirt after that i think XD

so then it was our turn to present..and i realized i forgot to bring my tumbdrive! but hey! i was so freaking tired in the morning, so couldn't blame me ya? (: but yes! i sent the group report and powerpoint to everyone in my group and ms.chia. thank the lord. and now the speaker just made some joke about the pastor, and i missed it! whole congregation was laughing.. another joke, damn! ah well. so yes, we had our work! but i think we made ms.chia unhappy.. i mean,we were all so... unprepared and everything. sorry ms.chia!

but then our powerpoint! we were supposed to dress like the people we were talking about.. and only me and hyuk kee did it! stupid sharity (cheryl tare) and slip-shod jac all never do kay! cheryl was better.. she was supposed to wear a cap or something.. and she didn't.. she was holding it all the way thru her presentation -.- i only wore a tie, but hyuk kee had a judge hat! heh. then he was so thick-skinned! like, he was talking as if he was talking about himself.. but it was good! at least he got the people to laugh! (: good job hyuk kee!

so that was the main thing for wednesday. i think after the lesson, me, hyukkee&val, weiting, lyn, brenda, benjamin and ryan (did i miss anyone out?) all went to brenda and lyn's house (which was also my uncle's house) to do their group's video! and the re-did it.. cos the first time they did it wasn't good at all XD but still.. then EVERYONE helped them lor! me, hyuk kee and lyn were the background voice, valerie was the cam-GIRL and benjamin acted part of the roles.. and hilmi,their own group emeber didn't go! stupid, should cut down his marks! but ah well. anyway, val&hyuk kee and me left early cos well.. we couldn't stay out? so i followed *cough* with 10metre radius *coug* behind valerie and hyuk kee..

AIYO! what were u two doing, HUH?! heheh. but ya, so came back with hyuk kee.. and that was about it. btw, my dates are all screwed up i think. well, this is what happens when u try to remember something from 2-3 weeks ago(:

so then thursday! me and waichong went to buy *cough* cheryl's birthday present *cough* actually also don't need to hide le, their all going our in 30mins time.. (now is 11.30am btw) and by the time i post this, if i do that is.. they'd be back already. so anyway, went to.. hmm. better get waichong's approval before i say where we all buy and all that(: but the oughta thank me! i recommend him the shop one! heh heh.

and my dear had higher chinese O-LEVEL oral! and i went with waichong to.. bugis. heh, shouldn't matter much. anyway, i hepled him choose the thing and order it and all. after that took mrt, and RAN back to school to fetch my dear. sorry for making u wait dear! ):
and my laopo so smart, heh.she said that the topic was going to be about the olympics.. and in the end it was! sure can do well one, laopo wansui!(:

so that was it for thursday i think.. now for friday? (ok my dates are really wrong) i think i had training,and it was my last one with jiasheng before he went to OBS!):

and we were late for that training, i think. should have been early.. at least can train more.. oh! but before that! i dunnoo if i said this already (i don't have internet connection in chruch,cannot check my posts)but there was this one training. tsktsk. we didn't have CD3 for the last lesson, so me, jiasheng,jiansheng and waichong were released early (duh) so we four went to tiong food court to eat! i think my laopo had training. so yes, we ate and all. and we were late by the time we finish! and we were in tiong.... so we couldn't walk ALL the way back to the 132 bus stop or rather, we didn't wanta XD so me, jiasheng and waichong took MRT! and that was the DUMBEST! thing i could EVER done! we took the mrt to orchard road to take 132.. and when we when there.. we got out by the wrong exit! argh! then the seniors kept calling.. i mean.. WE GOT LOST IN ORCHARD ROAD! what the hell, in singapore somemore! we lost the bus stop and wandering around orchard!

now don't have the.. "atmosphere" le.. cos it's been so long, but it was really funny! i kept laughing too! but ya, we finally found the correct area.. after walking ONE BIG ROUND in orchard when all we could have done waa GET OUT ON THE CORRECT SIDE OF THE MRT! ARGH! then like, 132 was there! gosh! run during training (btw, since i came back from training, there was only ONCE we didn't run for the 132 bus, oh a record!) then we were unglam - running like mad freaks thru orchard road! gosh, it was so embrassing! then me and jiasheng finally reach the next bus stop.. then we couldn't find waichong..

after a while no 132 bus stop.. then i stoning, after that.. look at the bus tag thing.. NO 132! what the hell! wrong bus stop! then we ran to the next bus stop! idiot.. then the bus just left.. and waichong looked really pissed off.. he run so much end up cos of us then he missed the bus.. sorry waichong!

argh, now my hand's really pain, cos i'm posing in an awkward position, trying not to let other people see.. hmm. the guy at the PA kept peeking over just now, but he never say anything. for sure he gonna complain about me later..

anyway, then the next bus was gonna come in a really long time. and the bus had this board that show the time for the next bus to come, like the mrt that one. so cool! my first time seeing! cos i don't really stop in that bus stop anyway.. and since the next bus was like what? 20mins away? the three of us cruelly decided to take a cab..

like what the &^&*$#! we took an mrt, run across orchard.. all to take a cab! if only we took a cab in the first place! argh! we won't be late for training either.. but anyway, so took a cab. and i was annotating my book in the cab! heheh. and when we reach, we were like really late.and somemore i paid for th cab fare! we supposed to split it one,then waichong and jiasheng until now i don't think they paid me back.. ): cheryl! do something about it! and during training, we got scolded. idiots again. they were supposed to explain it to ms.lim.. end up ms.lim come that time they all ran away! pfft. cowards!

so anyway, that training day was over. there was also another one or two more trainings that got interesting thing happen.. but i forgot! heheheh. but canoeing is fun! and i enjoy it.. alot.. anywyay, this part of the post will be next time when i finally catch up. so now back to my last training with jiasheng..

i forgot why we were late. but anyway, that training i was really sad. cos well, we didn't stand a chance, and yet jiasheng won't train anymore till the compeitition day.. and we were late! jiasheng also had tuition. so he left early too.. ah, that training i was sure we would die! we had so mnay things we didn't master yet.. so after he left, i ask ms.lim to lemme paddle somemore. and i took a K1. surprisingly, i ain't wasn't AS bad as i thought i would be!

so about that week is like done le. weekend i forgot.. but after that 060708 post, (last week) we went to eat sushi! oh yes. then there's the OBS week. all my dates are screwed up by the way.. so pardon me.

and i think he is going to end soon.. so i shall just about what i'm doing later. i'll post about the OBS week next week XD or just during the week, if i can use comp which i am not supposed too well, try my best lah!

and today, alot of people going to cheryl and waichong's birthday party. they holding it together.so good, they both birthday so near, 4 days away only. actually they wanted to go watch movie, shop, lunch, then sentosa! but i no idea what's gonna happen now. (now is 12nn btw) they're gonna meet in vivo like now. wonder how my dear is.. sorry i couldn't go laopo.. hope you have fun. anyway, some stuff can't be posted on a blog right? hope they all have fun! i gotta give waichong and cheryl a belated birthday present.. till now i still haven't buy it yet anyway, that's about the prelude and all i think. gonna pause here? he's concluding it now.
but who cares! post a little more! ok during monday, the day everyone going OBS.. saw the OBS people walking around in the school.. and jiasheng too): hais, no training.. anyway, after they all left. the school was damn empty! (and no edward, that's not cos jamin's goneXD) our class most of the noisy people (ok la, only hongde, arjun and jiansheng) all go OBS. so very lonely lor. then on the first day right.. cos yongxiang, jiasheng and jiansheng, all of waichong's good friends all go OBS.. he no friends left. walao, he damn freaking fast sia. before they even leave, he go and mix around with kiantiong, hyuk kee they all. pfft. and hyuk kee's really annoying in class, sorry hyuk kee and valerie. i just had to say it.

well, anyway, the class was empty. but still could go by. anyway, during this week, i didn't really remember much. but all of it was like training.. except monday! it was my laopo's birthday! wowowow! oh yes, weekend i went to buy the present with valerie,and valerie went to buy hyuk kee's aniversary present. like, better not talk about it. later someone get jealous again(:
so the post about my laopo's birthday's gonna be damn damn long.. so i'll put that on hold now. surprisingly, the guy's still talking. so i'll continue about training! on tuesday, wednesday and friday.and yes, it was during this week's thursday that i went to buy cheryl's present with waichong. (told u my date's are screwed up) anyway. so all the week's training was without jiasheng. and the training become more serious already. not so many fun things. well, since without jiasheng.. no K2.. so i took K1. (cos i really didn't wanna go on T1 boat) so since i couldn't balance, i was paddling around in the lagoon.. during the end of the training, i went out to find my friends! and i didn't cap! heh. that was kinda an acheivement for me! well. so guess that day's training not very fun. trust me.. wednesday's one was worse. and it's qutie long. so i talk about thursday!

ohyes, oh yes. (gosh, my post is really unorganised) we had one lesson with mr.sandhu during the week. but i gotta post ALL of that next time. the sermon already ended. and now they're singing songs! later the guy-in-charge come back i die le. so i'm gonna save the post now. hope i can post it by today! wow, today not bad leh. the post was really quite long. so well, see you all next week! after this time for my buffet! haha, gonna eat jap sushi till i puke! post about that next time too! see you all everyone.. and i love you dear! (:


5:55 PM

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

sorry jiasheng, i'm really sorry..

4:48 PM


hello everyone! yes! i changed my blog skin again! to.. d.gray man! and my blog WAS dead, but i'm planning to revive it already! so everyone remember to continue visiting my blog okay! thanks ya'll^^
anyway! d.gray man airs every friday at 11pm on arts central, watch it okay!
so intro!:
my name's joel! joel lim jia ming! and my trademark's pink! go pink-pen joel! and i'm 15years old, so i'm offically a secondary three!
my DOB's o8o693, which is 8th june, 1993. my birthday this year passed already, so get me a present next year! (i don't mind a really belated one too)
i'm studying in radin mas primary school gan eng seng school! and i'm in class 1E and 2E 3F
second most important: i'm in the gan eng seng canoe sprint team! so if you see me in a red jersey, (or a NICE, BLACK windbreaker) you know it's me!
last of all, i'm attached to chen xinyi♥ yup, that's about it. tag while you're here kaykays!


there are alot of things i love in life, mainly: CHEN XINYI♥,CHEN XINYI♥,CHEN XINYI♥,CHEN XINYI♥ ,CHEN XINYI♥,CHEN XINYI♥ and CHEN XINYI♥ (yes i copied and pasted that)
and there's, all my friends!
next would be a perfect life, but that's not possible.i just want a peaceful one, and have manymany friends!
the rest are all wants actually, or at least i think soo. i still love my handphone but i don't have it nowD:
anyway, wants are wants.and we ain't always gonna get them, so i think i'll pass on them



Aaron,BenjaminWong, BenjaminLau,Bryan, Candia,Cheryl, Cindy,CuiLing, Edward,Eryannah, Esther, Genevieve,Harris, HoiChing,HyukKee, Jane,KaiChing, KaiWen,Kelin, Michael, Naomi,Lavanitha, Lawrence,Lishanth, Louiza,Luke, Lyn,Ryan, Steffie,Valerie, WeiQi,WeiTing, Win,XinyiChen♥, XinyiTan,YangYu, YueYoong,YuTing, 3E'08,3F'08, 3G'08,GESS Art, GESSSJAB,GESSChoir, GESSTrack,GESSLibrary, GESSPrefects,GESSAnimation, GESSLiterature, GESSTableTennis, GESSCanoeing


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008


zero one two three four


Innocence stolen without my permission
Innocence gone without my submission

Innocence lost through another’s plan
Innocence no longer for another man

Innocence turned to hatred and fear
Innocence gone, no man can come near

Innocence taken from a little girl’s heart
Innocence replaced by mistrust, you thought you were smart

Innocence disappears like dew in the sun
Innocence faded before it’s begun

Innocence obscured like a cloud over the moon
Innocence ripped away too soon